课程系列 创新科研 案例 成就 关于我们 支援 联络我们
  • EB is an interactive online English learning and knowledge-building programme for secondary students.
  • Fun and Friends is an interactive online English language programme that uses award-winning animations, stories and videos to engage and motivate children to learn English.
  • Fun and Friends Book Club provides a set of fun, interactive readers that develop and enhance your child's English-language skills from reading and listening, to speaking and storytelling!
  • ENG is a new series developed to help students learn and use English across the curriculum, using multimedia content from National Geographic.
  • SD2 is an English skills development programme designed to help students achieve success in the HKDSE exam.
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介绍 小机器人 FAST 邂蟹农 时间廊 鱼菜共生

华漕的【鱼菜共生】,华漕学校建校历史悠久,至今作育英才近百载。上世纪前,华漕初立于苏州河旁,地区教育局希望伴随学校跨越世纪保留历史的承传,“鱼菜家”成为具华漕学校特色的STEAM课程,成为华漕学校学校百周年标志性项目。都市农耕(Urban Farming) , 即是将大厦天台变成农庄,在伦敦、巴黎、纽约、新加坡及东京等大城市,早已发展都市农耕,也可以纾缓了热岛效应。项目STEAM教育旨在培养学生成为科学、科技和数学的终身学习者,帮助他们应对二十一世纪的挑战;从宏观的角度,培育具备不同知识和技能水平的多元人才,提高地区的国际竞争力,有助国家发展。