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  • EB is an interactive online English learning and knowledge-building programme for secondary students.
  • Fun and Friends is an interactive online English language programme that uses award-winning animations, stories and videos to engage and motivate children to learn English.
  • Fun and Friends Book Club provides a set of fun, interactive readers that develop and enhance your child's English-language skills from reading and listening, to speaking and storytelling!
  • ENG is a new series developed to help students learn and use English across the curriculum, using multimedia content from National Geographic.
  • SD2 is an English skills development programme designed to help students achieve success in the HKDSE exam.
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EB ENG SD2 Fun and Friends Fun and Friends Book Club FAST Mathletics
关于 Fun and Friends






Fun and Friends是一个线上的互动式英语课程,使用获奖动画、故事及其视频来吸引和激励孩子们学习英语。

Fun and Friends is an interactive online English-language programme for primary students that is aligned to the Hong Kong English language curriculum. The programme is developed by experts and educators from Stanford, Harvard and Oxford, and uses international award-winning animations. Fun and Friends offers over 800 interactive lessons specifically developed to improve children’s listening, speaking, vocabulary, reading and usage skills.


1. 通过阅读、聆听和接触各种国际道地英语视频与生动的故事学习、理解和使用英语。

2. 通过与学习者校内课程衔接的教学设计及统整改善考试成绩。

3. 利用国际获奖动画与故事中的寓意培养良好品德。


Fun and Friends生动有趣,极具吸引力和鼓励性!孩子们通过获奖动画享受从玩乐中学习、从学习中玩乐的学习体验,独自探索及沉浸于国际道地英语环境中。

Fun and Friends课程让孩子们在一个积极的环境中提升及巩固英语语言技巧,在玩乐的同时帮助他们建立世界知识,建立良好品格,并建立自信心。它帮助孩子们走在最尖端,跑在最远的标杆!


教育工作者通过使用Fun and Friends,提供给学生这种证实能有效改善学习成绩的互动式学习工具。经香港教育学院和哈佛大学的研究人员发现,孩子们在使用Fun and Friends的六个月后,英语考试成绩均有4-10%的提升。Fun and Friends把视频、歌曲、互动练习、游戏和故事等内容运用于学习上,并对其学习作巩固加强。孩子们根本不会意识到在“玩”得不亦乐乎的同时也是在读书和学习!